The Yavapai County Jeep Posse assisted the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office in delivering door-to-door evacuation notices to individuals and families in the Cherry and White Horse Ranch communities due to activity associated with the July 2023 Racetrack and Grapevine fires. Sign up for Yavapai County Emergency Notifications regarding critical and time-sensitive information for emergencies such…
Author: Posse Admin
Yavapai County Jeep Posse (YCJP) Prepares for Future Emergencies
YCJP members practice Land Navigation, Mapping, Radio Communications, 4×4 Driving, and Situational Awareness scenarios to ensure that they are ready to assist the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office in the eventuality that they are called-out to serve their community in search & rescue, evidence search, community evacuation, and other missions.
YCJP Collaborates With the Arizona Game & Fish Department
Yavapai County Jeep Posse volunteers collaborate with Arizona Game & Fish Wildlife Rangers checking water levels and the condition of water catchments. Water catchments have been established throughout Yavapai County and Arizona to provide dependable water sources for wildlife during the year, especially when there is a drought. This work frees the Wildlife Rangers for…
Crook’s Fire
The Jeep Posse was actively involved in the Crook’s Fire Monday and Tuesday of this week. We assisted with fire evacuations for Potato Patch and the Walker area north to the south shore of Lynx Lake. Our Forward Communications Vehicle ( FCV ) provided direct communication for 9 YCJP teams and 5 4X4 teams in…
Tussock Fire
The Jeep Posse received a Call Out from YCSO Deputy on Saturday, May 8, for a roadblock at Forest Roads 362 and 52 the next day. On Sunday May 9th, Mother’s Day, an additional roadblock was added to the Jeep Posse. By Monday, two more roadblocks were added. Tuesday and Wednesday the Jeep Posse had…
Snow Transport for Essential Personnel
Yavapai County Jeep Posse (YCJP) volunteers were called on by the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office (YCSO) to assist them with snow transport and snow rescue during the major snowstorms that our area experienced January 25 – 27, 2021. Over 100 requests for assistance from the YCSO Dispatchers were made to YCJP. Responding to these requests were…
The Posse remained active in 2020 in spite of the Coronavirus causing some event cancellations. We supported the Yavapai County Sherriff’s Office (YCSO) as one of their Auxiliary Units and continued to support annual community events. Below is a summary of our activities during 2020. Search and Rescue – The Posse was called out by…