Jeep Posse members along with other Yavapai County Sheriff’s Auxiliary Force volunteers participated in a two-day search in the Camp Wood area for a missing hiker. Joann Ward took a walk with her dog Mia at around 3 PM on 12/5/23, while camping with her husband and friends. When she failed to return, YCSO was contacted, and volunteer Search and Rescue units responded to the remote location at around 9 PM. For two days, Search and Rescue teams searched from both the air and ground. On 12/7/23 at approximately 9 AM, Joann and her dog were located. They had spent 42 hours in the forest with temperatures dropping below freezing at night, but other than being tired, cold, and hungry, they were uninjured and in good spirits. They were reunited with family and friends at their campsite. Joann is pictured with her husband and Mia and some of the SAR volunteers that participated in the search. Definitely a happy ending to the search.

Mountain Lion spotted in search area, Credit Marion Douglas, YCJP member

Shoe print in search area, Credit Marion Douglas, YCJP member

Possible dog hair tuft on barbed wire, Credit Marion Douglas, YCJP member